Jul 18, 2010

Not completed yet


  1. It's looking really good, but I think her left eye (on our right) is a tad off. It doesn't seem to be looking in quite the same direction as the other eye. nancy

  2. You do these so well. But you know, the models are always so 'perfect', idealized. I'd like to see you stretch yourself a little. Maybe draw a wrinkly old man; or the face of a worried woman. You have the skill, I have no doubt! I hope this hasn't been offensive, I didn't intend it to be. I just think that to continue making progress, we need to push things a little out of our comfort zones.

  3. Oh, I forgot to say, I really like the soft glow she has and I think Nancy is right, the thing bugging you is probably that eye being off just a little bit.

  4. thanks nancy and reana I always appreciate ur comments.. i will take these one as instructions to do better sketches.... thanks again...

  5. A beautiful facial expression. You draw lovely!
